A professional service firm such as an engineering design firm or construction engineering and inspection firm can be thought of as a rocket ship. Looking at the business as a rocket ship, it gets easier to remember and share the elements of developing a successful business.
Like a rocket ship a business has two basic parts, the engines that power the ship, and the guidance systems to set course. Our rock ship has five engines and four guidance systems.
Thinking back to when you first started your firm, if you did not go through the checklist you see below formally, you did so informally.
Depending on a variety of factors, you may have an accountant or CPA on staff, or you may be a client of an outside accounting firm. In either case, you want a professional who welcomes your questions. If you receive answers that are full of jargon or feel like you’re being patronized, then you may need to change accountants.
You’ll find a selection of suggested questions in this article, not all of which need to be asked repeatedly. Change the frequency of your questions and topics to suit your needs. The first two questions are generally more applicable to an accountant you’re considering hiring, but they may be appropriate to clarify matters with an accountant with whom you have an established relationship.
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